My profile

Table of Contents

  •  My profile 
  •  General settings 
  •  Security settings 

My profile

"My Profile'' is the page where you can edit your profile information and personal settings.

General settings

Log in to your  PBX.IM  account and click on your name. Once you click on it, a sidebar menu will open. Select 'My Profile.


General settings

Under General Settings, you can change your profile picture and update your name, phone number, and country.
How to use
First and last name
Type in or update your name.
Email and role
In this section you can check the email address you currently use to log into the account as well as the role you currently have. You can change the email or role if you go to Settings → Users.
Phone and language
Type in your phone number and select the language from the drop down.

Security settings

Under ''My profile'' you will also find a ''Security'' section.


Two-Factor Authentication

You can configure your 2FA by choosing one of the following options:
  • Email: Receive an authentication code via email.
  • Authentication App: Use Google Authenticator or another app to get a code each time you log in to your  PBX.IM  account.
For security reasons, make sure you choose at least one of these options.


Under 'Security,' you can also update the password you are currently using for your account. Click on 'Change Password' and fill out the form to update it.